Amethyst Anthem Glass Flower Bouquet in Ceramic Posy Vase


A posy vase of handmade glass flowers in shades of plummy amethyst accented with forest green leaves and hints of pale pink. This posy bouquet comes complete with the white ceramic vase pictured and contains a selection of contemporary flowers, bellflowers, leaves, billy balls and buds.

Completed Posy Bouquet in Vase Dimensions:
Height - 12cm
Width - 12cm
Largest Flower Head - 4cm approximately.
12 individully crafted stems per vase.

Vase only:
Height - 8cm
Width - 6cm

Each item is made to order. Although I strive to closely recreate the product listing, the nature of it being handmade means small differences will occur.

I have been making glass flowers since 2012 and create every glass stem by hand in my studio in Perth, West Australia. I melt coloured glass rods in a torch flame, and build each piece directly onto stainless steel wire. I use gravity and tools to sculpt flowers, leaves and my quirky character plant stakes. Every piece is kiln annealed for strength and durability before being carefully inspected, cleaned and arranged into the final piece.

For safety, I remove each flower stem from the vase and wrap individually before shipping. The vase is also wrapped separately so some assembly will be required when you receive your bouquet. It is not recommended to cut or bend the wire stems as it may damage the glass component.

I offer flat rate tracked shipping to the following countries:
New Zealand

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