I believe in embracing eccentricities, in creating beautiful objects that celebrate individuality and reflect the owners personality. I place importance on innovation and challenging traditional notions of glass jewellery and sculpture. I have always loved flowers and have an enduring memory of the huge lavender bush in my Grandmothers' garden. I close my eyes and once again I'm 4 years old, inhaling the fragrance and picking the flowers to make my own scented water. Nostalgia!

My aesthetic is strongly influenced by this kind of nostalgia along with a love of nature and colour.. I have been creating botanicals in glass since 2012 and these early pieces continue to inspire ‘The Glass Flower Bar’. My whimsical, colourful flower stems, vases and jewellery offer a sustainable, everlasting alternative to cut flowers.

I am happiest in my studio, designing and creating colourful, dramatic glass pieces for people just like me. People who look for something different and enjoy receiving compliments on their unique style. People who love and embrace the quirky things in life and value quality and creativity over fashion and trends.

There is no other you. Your story and style is unconventional and unique. Embrace the real you, the bold, bright and beautiful you. Be comfortable in your skin and confident in your choices.